Monday 29 November 2010

A tribute

Leslie Nielsen. A comedy genius, R.I.P


I love my family. They may annoy me, tease me, upset me or make me happy, but I love them unconditionally. My family are from both sides of the Atlantic, but that doesn't really matter, every year I go an visit my American side for two weeks for beautiful, quiet get away. As most families come and go, mine are a typical northern family, which is huge, filled with 5 generations from my Nan to our new arrival Oliver. However, we're not all northern anymore as my older cousins have travelled England with their jobs and husbands etc. But I love them never the less and for certain events, no matter where they live, we all manage to meet up and converse!

There is one member of my family, whom I love the most and always have done, since I was practically born. That's my Nan. She is practically my idol, and I tell her all the time! She's so strong and has done so much for our family over the years, especially me. When I was younger, all my days were spent at my Nan's house or she was at mine looking after me and my brother. She used to walk me to primary school every day and then walk me home.  I still go over every week for me tea on a Thursday afternoon, so times haven't really changed and also if I get the chance I'll pop up and give her a nice visit! She means the absolute world to me, and I think she knows that I'd go out of my way any day to do anything for her. I just want to let let the world know how much I love her.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Children in Need.

The time has come for Children in Need to rule our TV screens, and in my opinion, I love it. The amazing cast, sketches, stories and performances are just everything that is great about television and it's all for an amazing cause. Millions of people donate money by buying Pudsey bears and pins and other merchandise from their local stores, which just makes everyone feel involved! I, myself have gone out year after year and bought some sort of Pudsey. This year it was some Pudsey ears, which I shall be wearing on Friday! So, I think that you should all go and get involved with the fun of Children in Need!

Another feature of this week, is that it is Anti-bullying week. As part of assemblies this week, my favourite teacher, Miss Sunderland, asked to read a poem said by the Rev.Niemoller. I just thought I'd share the quote with you as I find the words just amazing. Also with all the reading abou the holocaust I have been doing recently, it makes me think that just little bit more...
" First, they came for the communists. I did not speak out, as I am not a communist. Then they came for the socialists. I didn't speak out because I am not a socialist. They came for the Labor leaders. I did not speak out as I'm not a labor leader. Then, they came for the Jews. I did not speak out. I am not a Jew. But then they came for me. But there was no one left to speak for me. "

Tuesday 16 November 2010

A recommendation.

"The thinker's guide to evil" - Peter Vardy & Julie Arliss. 
It is rather interesting if you're interested in philosophy and it's perception of the 'problem of evil'.

Thursday 11 November 2010

The weather.

Winter is around the corner and the weather is turning grim and grey. I would much rather have it snow for a few months than have the horrible rain, icy winds and ugly grey clouds hanging over our heads. It's a complete turn off in the morning when I have to get up for college when I can hear the wind howling and rain tapping at my window. It's as if somethings telling me "Don't go in!" and sometimes I actually regret going in due to the morbid atmosphere the weather creates, just a collection of pathetic fallacies.

However, this horrible weather has a good side to it, in a different way. The weather brings couples a little joy as it gives them opportunity to cuddle up all warm in bed and just create a cosy atmosphere. My boyfriend and I love to cuddle and talk to each other when the weather's horrible outside. He sometimes sings this song to me "When it's cold and stormy, and you're feeling sick. Cuddle up all warmy and play with your little dick!" I love that song, even though the last line confuses me, but then again I heard it on the Vicar of Dibley once also! This morning and today, in fact, the weather has been terrible and it made me happy that my boyfriend wouldn't let me get out of bed until past 11 due to the horrific sight and sounds of outside. It made my day. I hope that this also applies to other couples and when the snow comes, they feel just as cosy as we do!

Thursday 4 November 2010

The Symphony of Science.


Thanks to Sean Nield for showing me this!


Man's best friend... and women's for that matter! They say that is proven that a dog makes you live for 3 years longer! I'm not surprised with the happiness and loyalty they bring. I love hearing about dog's who save their owner's lives and do amazing things just to help people. It brings a warmth to my heart.

I love my puppy dog Bonnie! She's so loving and always makes me smile when i see her little face! she keeps me warm, entertained and loved. I just think it's adorable when she just sits at my feet and warms me up, when she's not jumping on my knee that is! I think Bonnie one of the only dogs in the world which actually watches telly for fun! She knows what programme is on just by the music which is playing and also, if you say "football", "sheep" or "Cowboys" she'll run to the telly! It's hilarious! She's so funny and unique and I love it!